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Inside a white wood stable with red roof, the Holy Family is visible along with one angel. Directly in front of its entrance, a ladder descends from the clouds of heaven and eight angels are about to come down it. More white and red buildings extend…

In the foreground are the three wise men, lavishly dressed in robes and hats. One rides a camel while the other two ride horses. On a donkey behind them is a dark-skinned servant. At the top of the card, two angels point the way to a building in the…

In a straw-bedded manger, baby Jesus with a golden halo is bathed in the light of a star shining through the window. Two angels, only heads on wings, look smiling upon him from clouds and a starry background. The bottom reads "Loving Christmas…

Beneath an arch of gold starts, an adult and baby angel are seen scattering candies and chocolates among a city in the evening. At the bottom the following is written; "Christmas Wishes. Hush! the Christmas Day is ended Angles on the earth…

There are 5 little angels running around and circling Father Christmas. Father Christmas is holding a torch and is leading the pack.

Baby Jesus dressed in white with a golden halo lays in the manger, extending one hand to the three blonde-haired angels singing to him from the foot of the bed. The border is gold and red stripes with holly. "Christmas Greetings" is printed at the…

Mary, in red and blue, sits to the left with baby Jesus on her lap. Four angels observe them; all have either blonde or brown hair and are dressed in blue, green, orange, and lavender. "Christmas Wishes" is printed at the bottom.

The upper part of the card depicts two angels, one playing the harp and one holding pink-purple flowers, looking down upon the baby Jesus with a lamb in the hay on the lower half of the card.

"As early as September 1866, the Catholics west of Dubuque in the Lattnerville area met with Catholics of the Centralia area to build a church. Unable to agree on a suitable location, the Lattnerville people quietly turned to Father Alois Meis of…
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