Loras Digital Collections

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St. Nicholas is the primary figure and the crowd of people to the left with Black Peter is the secondary figures. St. Nicholas is wearing a white and red clothing. Major colors include:red, white, brown, black, yellow, blue and green. Objects of…

Sinterklaas is the primary figure with black Peter and the crowd as the secondary figures. Sinterklaas is wearing a red cloak. Black Peter is wearing a an outfits that has black, yellow and a red midsection. Major colors would include: red, black,…

St. Nicholas is holding his staff setting a pair of shoes on someone's doorstep.He is wearing a green robe with bright trim. It looks to be as if he is setting down the shoes on the front step of a brick house.

In this picture, St. Nicholas seems to be placing a little statue of a man with a top hat and a pair of shoes in front of a brick house. It says. "Groeten van St. Nicolaas."

This postcard is oriented horizontally, showing a wintry scene. In the center is a depiction of an African-American woman standing in the open doorway of a log cab with yellow light spilling out to the snowy ground. Icicles hang from the cabin, and…

This postcard is oriented vertically and shows a wintertime night scene. Towards the top of the postcard a dark night sky is seen with a bright full moon towards the upper left corner. Lit homes and apartments are seen and snow sits on the rooftops.…

Krampus is seen with a chained angle, who is praying

Krampus is seen looking out of a window, with fire and a chain.


Krampus is seen raising his sticks. Red backrground, black image.

Krampus is seen sitting with his tongue out and holding sticks and a chain.
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