Loras Digital Collections

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Bear in pink coat visits a girl who has fallen asleep waiting for him. The bear is carrying some toys on his back in a brown basket.

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A brown bear is ascending a dark staircase that has a white rail. It is facing away from the viewer. "The Bear on a Dark Stairway" is printed at the bottom.

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A white bear stands on a pedestal. It is scratching its head with one hand and has a red ribbon around its wrist. There is also some sort of colored object on its front. "How can you bear this weather" is printed at the bottom and accompanied by…

A bear sits in a grassy field of blooming pink flowers with four yellow chicks. One is in the grass, another on his knee, a third on his foot, and the fourth on his outstretched paw. In the background is a river and more green trees. "Wishing you a…

In this postcard, a white bear is seen bewildered due to the fact that it sat on a freshly-painted red bench. At the bottom of the postcard the text "A Bear Impression" is written. There is also handwriting along the bottom.

A small inset of Father Christmas is located in the upper third of the card. He is dressed in a brown coat and hat with black trim, grinning while ringing a bell with his left hand. The inset is surrounded by an evergreen wreath with pine cones,…

A circular inset at the top of the card depicts a snowy church with lighted windows. Snow frames it. In the center of the card, hanging from the inset, is a cluster of greenery and holly along with three golden bells on a pink ribbon. "A Happy…

In the center of the card is a circular inset of a church with lights in the windows and sunset in the background. Walking out on the path from the church is Father Christmas, carrying a tree. Above the circle is a cluster of two large golden bells…

In the center of the card is a cluster of holly leaves and berries. Hanging from it are two ringing silver bells. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the upper right.

The card is very colorful and has three main pieces of interest. Set off in the bottom left corner is a scene of Santa Claus leaving a bedroom. He is dressed in a red suit and has a bag of toys on his back. Behind him is a fireplace with four…
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