Father Christmas is driving an old-fashioned automobile in the center of the snowy card. Behind him in the distance is a house and trees, but the rest of the background is a snow-covered hill. The car he is driving is black with a festive red and…
Father Christmas is sledding on a green sled with his toys down a snowy, tree-covered hill. He is dressed in a long brown robe and has on a red and yellow hood trimmed in brown fur; he has a long beard and a rather prominent nose. Behind him, his…
Father Christmas is riding on a donkey whose tack is festive red; they are directly facing the viewer. Father Christmas is dressed in a brown hooded robe, carrying a decorated tree with angel topper in his left hand and a branch in his right. The…
Father Christmas is dressed in a brown robe and cap with black boots. In his right hand he carries the top of an evergreen tree and in his right hand, a saw. To the left of his feet is a wooden sled with packages, a doll, and a bear on top. Behind…
This card is very brightly colored and depicts Father Christmas laden with toys and accompanied by a deer. He is wearing a long brown coat with white trim and a red hat with green wreathing it. At his belt hangs a bright yellow and red drum as well…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown coat with a purple hat trimmed by fur and evergreen. He is sawing off an evergreen tree in the middle of heavy snowfall with snowy woods in the background. At his feet are a green sack and a doe. "Christmas…
The golden-brown toned card depicts Father Christmas, in a long brown coat, hat, and boots, with a tall tree over his shoulder and bag on his back. He is accompanied by a deer facing away from the viewer. The background is wooded, and the greeting…
Father Christmas, the deer he is feeding, and two birds are the only colored figures on the page- the background is completely snow-covered trees and forest floor. Father Christmas is in a long reddish-brown robe with an overflowing bag of toys on…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown coat, white hood with evergreen wreath, and black boots. He carries a bag of toys over his back and has a piece of fabric with more toys hanging from it around his right arm. With his left hand he holds the…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long brown coat and hat, listening to a phone that is attached to a tree trunk. He carries a bag of toys on his back, a decorated branch under his right arm, and a tree in his right hand. The background is snowy trees…