Loras Digital Collections

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Jessie M. Keys (at the desk) sits with two other women in the office of the Visiting Nurses Association, room 308 of the B & I Building. There is a cot against the wall at left, and a screen at right. The number “162” has been written on the…

A man sits at a typewriter next to a telegraph machine and a second man stands in this stock exchange room in the B & I building. The negative is heavily damaged. The number “161” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is…

Two women are seated at desks and three men stand in the outer office of the Bradstreet Company, rooms 301 to 303 in the B & I Building. The man in the light suit standing below the clock is the same man who is seated at the far desk in KL 135-357.…

Austin Cooper Waller (in the foreground) and another man sit, working at separate desks, in an office of the Bradstreet Company, rooms 301-303 in the B & I Building. These men also appear in KL 136-373. The number “159” has been written on the…

Two dentists work on patients (the man in the chair in the foreground is one of the itinerant photographers) in an unidentified corner office in the B & I Building. A partition and curtains separate the work spaces. A sign on the partition reads:…

11 women work in an unidentified dressmaker's shop in the B & I Building. There is a woman working at an ironing board in the foreground at left, and a dressmaker's dummy on a table in the foreground at right. Nine of the women are working at tables…

A woman sits at a small desk in the outer room, while Otto F. Lange sits at his desk in the inner office of the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance Company in room 316 of the B & I building. The woman’s small desk is equipped with a typewriter,…

Edwin Albee sits at a roll-top desk in his office, room 310 of the B & I Building. The office is spacious, with wicker chair in one corner and a sink mounted against the back wall. There are 4 large picture calendars in the room. Two of these are…

Insurance agent Scott A. Cairy sits with a with a woman and a girl in the Guaranty Life Insurance Company office, room 324 of the B & I Building. The door to the office is open and painted on the glass in the door is: “The Guaranty Life Insurance…

A woman sits at a roll-top desk in the outer room of an unidentified law office in the B & I Building. The number “127” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. The number…
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