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The card depicts three cats sitting on a sheet of music. Two are reading from it while the third is yowling. A violin and bow are off to the right side. The room is carpeted in green and the wallpaper is floral with pink and yellow flowers. It is…

The card features an indoor scene of a rich red velvet and gold chair sitting on a multi-colored rug. There two white and brown cats sitting on the chair. A blanket falls from the chair to the rug, and two more cats are playing with it. There is…

The card featuers two cats who are sitting on a green piece of island amidst blue. There is a pink flower by them and mistletoe overhead. The gray and white cat is kissing or licking the orange and white's face. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the…

A brown and white cat and kitten are surrounded by holly and looking upwards at a yellow butterfly. Printed in the bottom right is "A Merry Christmas."

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The card features an inset 'window' of two tabby cats looking at a bird. It is sitting on a branch of holly on the right side of the card, with its beak open. "Merry Christmas" is printed on a slip of paper by the bird.

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Santa Claus' face is pictured on a white bell that is also decorated with holly. A blonde-haired cherub is standing next to him, feet on the bell's ringer. It is carrying a satchel and a double-hearted ring in front of its body with the tag "A Merry…

Two cherubs, printed in white with golden halos, are amidst holly above the scene of a village and church. "A Merry Christmas" is printed in the bottom right.

Father Christmas is dressed in a blue coat and a red hood. He is carrying a bag of bright toys over one shoulder and an evergreen under his right arm. A church is visible in the back left. Shining above his head is a star, with a cherub in each…

Father Christmas, dressed in a long green hooded coat, is seated in his sleigh. He is receiving a red book from a blonde-haired cherub, while another holds a toy horse. His sleigh is being pulled by two reindeer, one white and one brown, with bells…
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