A sketched Father Christmas faces right smoking a pipe. He is dressed in a long red coat with white fur trim and a matching hat. By his feet are a basket and a sac of gifts, and his pocket is filled with gifts, as well. Both his hands are raised…
Father Christmas looks forward as his paws through his bag of gifts. He is dressed in a long, brown patterned and hooded coat with dark fur trim. One mitten-covered hand holds up the bag while the other holds out a doll among the other toys. A…
Father Christmas is at the bottom left, dressed in a burgundy hooded cloak with a rope belt. At his side is a deer, peering up at him as he holds out his bag. They are standing in the snow surrounded by trees and other snow-covered plants. Behind…
Father Christmas sits on a bench hunched over. He is wearing a long, tan coat, a red hat with fur trim, and dark mittens. His hands are raised to his beard as he tries to keep warm. Nestled in his arms is a walking stick and beside him is a orange…
Saint Nicolas sits on a bench hunched over. He is wearing a long, tan coat, a red hat with fur trim, and dark mittens. His hands are raised to his beard as he tries to keep warm. Nestled in his arms is a walking stick and beside him is a orange bag…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long red hooded robe, carrying a bag of toys over his shoulder. He is peering in a small, paned, lighted window. At the forefront of the card is a wooden fence; behind it is an evergreen tree, Father Christmas, and…
Father Christmas is dressed in a long belted and hooded red robe. He stands outside the steep steps of a brick house, looking in a lighted and curtained window. In his left hand he carries a bag; over his right shoulder is a tree. Snow is coming down…
Father Christmas is dressed in a heavy red hooded overcoat and black boots. He leans on a black walking stick with his left hand and carries a tree over his right shoulder as well as a bag on his back. In the background, behind a black wrought-iron…
Father Christmas is dressed in a hooded brownish-red overcoat with a bag and tree on his back; falling out of the bag are bright orange-red apples. He is pulling the bell-pull to ring the bell over the wooden door of the blue house in front of him.
Rendered in a cartoon style, a plump Father Christmas in an orange coat stands before the door of a house. His black cap has an antler on the back and is tied around his head with a red kerchief. He has a bag of toys under his back, bundle of…