Loras Digital Collections

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Billy Canfield sits at a roll-top desk in his basement office in the B & I Building. Two Pipes run through the office just below the ceiling. A large May, 1912 calendar leans against the wall on top of the roll top desk while a second calendar, open…

Attorney Edgar H. Willging sits at a roll-top desk in his office, room 514 of the B & I Building. A large file cabinet with vertical, pull-down sections, sits on top of the desk. Ledgers and law books are shelved and stacked throughout the small…

Henry C. Reche sits at a roll-top desk in his office in the Security Building. A map of Central America hangs on the wall at the rear of the office. A small Mexican flag hangs over the desk and a Pre-Columbian style statue sits on top of the desk.…

Eugene Traub sits at a roll-top desk in his office at Traub & Felgner Insurance, rooms 401-403 of the B & I Building. The safe, which was open in image KL 102-368, is now closed and the window shade, which was partially open in 102-368, is now pulled…

Emil Felgner sits at a roll-top desk, along with an unidentified man sitting at a table, in the outer office, while Eugene Traub sits in the inner office of the Traub & Felgner Insurance office in rooms 401-403 of the B & I Building. An open safe is…

A bellboy (who also appears in image number KL 100-036) poses with seven men in a long, narrow pool hall. One man is posed with the bellboy behind the counter at left, three men are standing behind a pool table at center, and three men sit in chairs…

Seven men sit in chairs in the lobby of the Hotel Julien at the corner of 2nd and Main Street. A man and a woman stand behind the hotel desk at right. Two men and a bellboy stand in front of the desk (the bellboy also appears in KL 101-444 ). A sign…

A young woman stands behind the counter of a cigar stand in the lobby of the Hotel Julien, at the corner of 2nd and Main Streets. Cigars are on display in a case beneath the glass-covered counter and in a cabinet built around a cash register at the…

Dr. John B. Murray, Jr., works on a patient in his dental office in room 205 of the B & I Building. There are two dental chairs facing a large set of windows at the back of the small office. The patient sits in the chair at right and faces the window…

Peter H. McCarthy, manager, sits in his office at the Standard Lumber Company, 602 7th Street. There is an open roll-top desk behind him with a “Rockwell’s Rival Cabinet Letter File” on top of it. There is a telephone attached to an accordion…
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