Six men pose in a large workroom at the Dubuque Mattress Factory, 63-77 West Main Street. Metal components for making box springs are scattered about on worktables throughout the room. There is a machine for cutting or bending metal rods at the back…
John Kapp, the president of the Dubuque Mattress Factory at 63-77 West Main Street, stands in the doorway of an office and looks out into a workroom. There is a box spring on the floor in front of him and, on the left side of the picture, a Fairbanks…
One of the itinerant photographers poses with John Kapp, the president of the Dubuque Mattress Factory at 63-77 West Main Street. Three other workers pose behind them, on the left and right. The number “90” has been written on the emulsion side…
A woman stands at a fabric-cutting worktable at left and 3 other women are sitting at sewing machines at right. John Kapp, the company president, is standing in a doorway at left and is looking at the camera. The number “68” has been written on…
Five men are working on mattresses at the Dubuque Mattress Factory, 63-77 West Main Street. Silhouettes of two other men are visible behind a stack of mattresses at left. The man in the center of the photo, wearing overalls and a dark shirt, is…
Five workmen pose in a shop at the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works at 550 3rd Street. A boiler tank is in the foreground at left and three large sheets of metal with holes drilled for rivets are on the floor at right. Three hoists hang from beams and…
A man sits at a desk at the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works office at 550 3rd Street. The desk is covered with papers and there are several picture calendars on the wall in front of him. A day calendar from the WM Powell Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio…
A large office with three men and five women at the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works at 550 3rd Street. There are three June, 1912 wall calendars on the wall at right, and a day calendar that appears to be open to June 11th. The number “190” has…
Two butchers stand behind a long counter at right. At left, a woman leans against a countertop in a cashier’s booth at Buehler Brothers Meat Market, 920 Main Street. Sausages and cuts of meat hang from hooks and are set out on display on the…
Henry Jenni and an unidentified boy stand behind the counter at the Florence Grocery, 1294 Main Street. The number “134” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right corner of the picture. No number is…