Loras Digital Collections

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Five men may be seen working in a large, dimly lit office. One man is standing behind a long wooden counter that extends along two sides of the space. A customer, possibly one of the photographers, is standing opposite the man, on the other side of…

Three tables and a small, wood and glass display case are arranged around the side walls of a small room. Two women, dressed in lacy blouses and long skirts, are standing near the display case. A sign above one of the women reads “Terms strictly…

A leather couch with an elevated end, and a pillow with an American flag motif, may be seen under a window in the two-room office suite. Over the couch are two framed photographs of Dr. Conzett’s dental fraternity brothers and dental surgery school…

Two men are seated across from one another at a large table. Each man is wearing headphones and a megaphone-like device strapped to his chest and pointing towards his face. In front of each man is a large sheet of paper with writing on it. A…

Mr. Kiene is seated at a large roll-top desk. A telephone, papers and pens are on the desk. The cubbyholes and drawers on the desk are carefully labeled. Above the desk are photographs of family members, possibly including ones of his son and father.…

The tailor is standing behind a cutting table on which are pattern pieces, rulers and yardsticks. A lamp hangs over the table. On the other side of the narrow room are cloth patterns and partially sewn dresses hanging on a clothes rack. Two women are…

The tailor is seated at his desk, holding a piece of paper. Several drawings of women’s fashions are on top of another small desk, in front of the tailor. Additional drawings may be seen on the shelves of the desk. On the wall behind the tailor are…

Wicker chairs, vases of fresh flowers and numerous photographs on the walls of this two room suite, suggest that these rooms are part of a suite used by Dr. Mary Killeen, physician and surgeon. An ornate wire screen is visible in a window opening…

Dressed in a long-sleeved, dark colored blouse and long, dark skirt, Dr. Killeen is seated at a cluttered roll-top desk, reading a letter. The wall beside the desk is covered with numerous photographs. Many of these are of women. A weekly calendar,…

A bartender is posing behind a long bar, and in front of another counter above which may be seen mirrors in an ornate wooden frame. The arches in the wooden frame echo the image in the mirrors of reflected arches elsewhere in the large room. Numerous…
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