The card has a dark border with silver lines and a few holly berries on it; "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.. The center has a white background and holly clusters in the upper right and lower left. The print reads "Christmas-tide is a…
A large Christmas tree sits in a village square. It is covered in candles and ornaments, and host s a large circle in the middle on which is written a Christmas greeting. Around it are houses and people. It is night.
The scene depicted on a plain cream background is a shelf under a window; the viewer is looking out the window upon a sunset, path and trees. Inside, on the shelf there are a book, a present, candle, holly, and a poinsettia. "Best Christmas Wishes"…
A small black and white inset to the left depicts Jesus with the children. It is surrounded by a green wreath, holly, and a red ribbon. Printed in the upper right is "With Christmas Wishes" and there are handwritten signatures at the bottom.
In the foreground is a red brick wall and purple flowers. A path weaves through an opening in the wall to the background of the card, which depicts fields of grass with houses dotting the hills. There is an inset of a man's head and shoulders in the…
In the center of the card is a spinningwheel. Seated at it is a woman in a dress, bonnet and apron. Behind it stands a man in a pilgrim's outfit. "Thanksgivign Day." is printed across the top, and at the bottom, "John Alden and Priscilla."
The card is printed in monochrome. It depicts a man and a woman decorating a room in their house for Christmas. The woman is hanging wreaths and the man is hanging stockings by the fireplace. "Xmas Greetings" is printed across the upper right, and…