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Baby Jesus is seen sitting upright in a manger with outstretched arms. Among him are the three wise men's gifts that were given to Jesus upon his birth. In the distance, one can see the landscape of where Jesus was born, Bethlehem.

Baby Jesus sits upright in a manger with a gleam around his head. While he is sitting up, he has one of his arms raised and the other resting on a baby goat. In the background there are bricks walls, and in the t=distance are trees and land.

In a wooden manger with straw, baby Jesus, with a bright gleam around his head, sits upright with his arms raised towards heaven. Beside the manger a bowl of fruit and a goat lay.

Floating above the rest of the figures is Mary in red and blue, holding the baby Jesus. They are backed by a golden sky. Around them, figures of both genders and all ages look upon them or in other directions.

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The upper part of the card shows Jesus in white and gold with a halo teaching the 12 apostles. The lower half is separated from it by the words "Evtes docete omnes gentes" which is loosely translated as 'teach all nations'. The lower card depicts a…

The upper part of the card depicts two angels, one playing the harp and one holding pink-purple flowers, looking down upon the baby Jesus with a lamb in the hay on the lower half of the card.

A blonde-haired Mary is dressed in red with a blue cloak. At her feet, two babies without clothes play. She is holding onto baby Jesus, who is accepting a cross-shaped staff from another slightly older child, perhaps John the Baptist. In the…

This postcard is brightly colored red, orange, yellow, white and blue. It's background takes shape in flowers. In the center of the postcard, Joseph is seen standing over baby Jesus next to a horse and cow.

The card depicts a woman, probably Mary, holding a fabric-swaddled bundle that is most likely a baby. She is dressed in pure white with a white gown and veil; she also wears a necklace. The bundle is white fabric with gold trim. There is…

The card is depicting either the Ascension or Transfiguration, but more likely the Ascension. Jesus is above a crowd of people, ascending into the clouds and framed by a golden light. To his left and rigth are two other male figures. Below him is a…
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