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  • Tags: stockings

The card is very colorful and has three main pieces of interest. Set off in the bottom left corner is a scene of Santa Claus leaving a bedroom. He is dressed in a red suit and has a bag of toys on his back. Behind him is a fireplace with four…

In the left lower corner of the card there is a picture of a black cat sitting before a lit fireplace. It is made of brick and has holly and stockings hanging from it. To the right is a poem: "Of all good days upon / life's pathway / This is the…

A black cat is sitting in front of a lit fireplace. A blue stocking and red stocking hang from it. Printed in the upper left is "A Merry Christmas" and in the lower right there is a holly decoration.

The card is done in a realistic style, depicting two brown-haired girls in white pulling back a curtain to discover Santa Claus filling stockings. Santa is wearing a dark brown coat and has wild white hair and a beard. There are toys scattered on the…

On the left side of the card is Santa Claus, dressed in his red suit and with a bag of toys on his back. He has one finger held to his nose. To the right, a boy and girl reach towards the full stockings hung above the lit green fireplace. The card…

The card is printed in monochrome. It depicts a man and a woman decorating a room in their house for Christmas. The woman is hanging wreaths and the man is hanging stockings by the fireplace. "Xmas Greetings" is printed across the upper right, and…

Father Christmas, dressed in a long red robe, is seated in a chair at the end of a small brass bed. His bag of toys is on the floor in front of him, and he reaches into the top to pull out a toy trumpet from among the dolls and other gifts. A drum…

The card's scene is rendered in grayscale. Father Christmas leans with one elbow on the mantel, looking at the overlong white stocking hanging on the right side of the fireplace. He is carrying a bag in his right hand. The mantel is decorated in…

Father Christmas is in the forefront of the card, dressed in a long red hooded robe with a crown of holly. His bag lies on the ground behind him. In the crook of his arm he holds a holly-topped walking stick. He is holding a long yellow-and-black…

The card appears to be hand-drawn and colored. There is a boy with blonde hair, a red cap, and a blue robe in the center. Behind him is a fireplace with a ball and two stockings. Above them is a string of holly, and below is handwritten "I am…
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