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Father Christmas is dressed in a long rich red coat and hat with brown fur around their edges. In his right hand he holds a walking stick; over his left shoulder is a brown bag with toy box peeking out the top. A horn is hung on his belt. To the…

The card is rendered in black and white. Father Christmas is sitting in an upholstered chair, and a teenage girl is sitting on its arm. She is dressed in a long light-colored frock, while Father Christmas wears a coat and boots. He is pointing a…

Father Christmas is dressed in a red robe; his hat, bag, beard and mustache are golden. He is emptying the contents of his bag - treats, candy and toys - to two blonde-haired girls dressed in yellow. The scene is set within the card and looks like a…

Inset in a circle in the upper right is a head view of Father Christmas, wrapped in a hooded gray coat with a bundle of holly on his back. Below the inset are two golden-haired girls in bright pinkish-red dresses and caps. Although outside in the…

Father Christmas is dressed in a long bright-red coat and hat, both with white trim. He carries a tree over his right shoulder, and in his left hand he holds a walking stick. At his belt hangs a satchel accompanied by toys. To the left, a blonde girl…

Father Christmas hunches underneath some branches while trudging through the snow. His coat is purple with spots and brown trim, tied at the waste with a bundle of branches stuck through it. On his back is a bag with a drum and a doll sticking out…

Father Christmas knocks on the door of a house. He is wearing a long brownish coat with a red sash and hat, and in one hand is a gift. By his side is a white and brown goat with a bell around its neck and a basket of toys and gifts over his back. …

Father Christmas is looking out an inset of the holly and ivy card. The card is bordered with a thick band of holly leaves and berries, with a brown background covered by another arrangement of holly. Father Christmas himself is dressed in a brown…

Father Christmas, wearing white and red, is inset in a circle to the right side of the card. He is carrying a walking stick and sack of toys, including a drum. The background of the card is a snowy woods, with a house in the back left. "Christmas…

Father Christmas is inset in a circle in the upper right, wearing a hooded white robe and carrying toys and a small tree. The rest of the scene shows a sunset and town in the far distance beyond a field. In the front is a man waiting by a gate in a…
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