Santa Claus, in his bright red suit and pointed shoes, is pulling back the flowered curtain to a bed. Underneath the blue cover are two sleeping children, one blonde and one brown-haired. In the back right is a lit fireplace with stockings hanging on…
This postcard is oriented horizontally in a snowy and hilly landscape. In the upper right corner is a snow covered village. Sledding on a long, low, and wooden sled away from this village down a steep snowy hillside are five nearly identical figures…
Father Christmas, pictured in the foreground, is walking down a snowy path. He is dressed in a brown coat and dark brown trousers, carrying a tree over his shoulder along with a bag on his back and satchel at his waist. Behind him, two sledding girls…
A small scene is set near the bottom of the card; it depicts five figures ice skating on a frozen river in front of a church. On either side of the scene are whtie-robed angels holding steaming bowls. Directly above, a red rectangle contains the…
Sinterklaas is the primary figure with black Peter and the crowd as the secondary figures. Sinterklaas is wearing a red cloak. Black Peter is wearing a an outfits that has black, yellow and a red midsection. Major colors would include: red, black,…
Jesus in red and white is kneeling on the ground under the weight of his cross. Simon the Cyreneen, with white hair and dressed in bright yellow, is helping him lift it. Two women are huddled together in the background, and a soldier carrying a spear…
Silhouetted in gold on a cream background, Santa Claus has a whip raised overhead as he is seated in his sleigh, driving his seven antlered reindeer onward. "A Happy Christmas Time" is printed in the bottom right.
This postcard has a white background with a large red heart in the center. In front of the red heart is the silhouette of a young girl with braided pig-tails running from the Krampus as it throws a ball, chain, and bundle of branches at her. The…
The card's background is white, and on the back wall of the room shown is a white fireplace with a mantel clock and three stockings hung from it. In front of the blazing fire are a variety of wrapped packages, as well as Santa Claus himself with his…
Mary, in blue and red, is seated to the left of the card with baby Jesus on her lap. Two shepherds in animal skins kneel near the right side of the card. Outside the stable, an angel looks in. "A Merry Christmas" is printed at the bottom.