Loras Digital Collections

Browse Items (3180 total)

One of the Master Brewers at the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company, and also pictured in photograph KL 165-452, appears to be testing the contents of a kettle in the brewing room. The top of a large copper brewing kettle is visible in the rear of…

This photograph shows a view of a corner of a room. A small copper kettle, pipes and gauges are visible. Some damage to the lower edge of the photograph may be seen. No number has been written on the emulsion side of the negative in the upper right…

This view is taken diagonally across the intersection of 4th Street and Levee Front. One of the photographers is standing in the left foreground, and a man wearing a long with apron may be seen standing in a doorway. “Star Brewery” is visible…

Two men and one woman are standing between tables in the dining room of an unidentified boarding house. The tables are set with white table clothes. Eating utensils and white, overturned china plates are visible on the tables. Six place settings can…

A family is seated in the sitting room of an unidentified boarding house. A young boy is standing next to his father and a baby girl is seated on her mother’s lap. Visible on the music rack of an upright piano are three pieces of sheet music,…

A man and two women are seated on the small front porch of an unidentified boarding house which occupies the end unit of a larger, two story building. Three children are standing near the adults. An iron fence surrounds the structure, and encloses a…

Seated at the piano, in chairs and on a settee, three women and one man may be seen in the sitting room of an unidentified boarding house. These individuals may also be seen in the dining room of photograph KL 173-250. Wide, vertically striped…

Facing the camera, the four individuals previously pictured in KL 172-251 are seated around a table in the dining room of an unidentified boarding house. The table is set for a meal. This room also appears in photograph KL 169-249. The number…

Two women, two young children, and a man, are posing in a room of an unidentified boarding house. The infant is seated on the man’s lap. This family is also pictured in KL 170-032. An electric lamp with a square glass shade is visible on a small…

A woman is standing behind a long work table that is placed in front of tall shelves containing different types of paper and other printed materials. A metal hand stamp and piles of folded paper and envelopes are at the end of the table closest to…
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