This image was taken looking across the quadrangle at the front of the Chapel and tower that were under construction on the campus of Wartburg Seminary. Together with buildings shown in images LO 084 and LO 085, construction for the chapel and tower…
According to the Encyclopedia Dubuque, this elementary school, first occupied in 1913, was named after William Hickling Prescott. Located on White Street, the three story building is constructed of brick. A man may be seen walking in front of the…
This image of Washington Junior High School was taken from Grandview Avenue, looking northwest. The building is constructed of brick with concrete details. An arched front entrance and short, square turret similar to those of the newly constructed…
An example of Romanesque architecture, a three story building with a large tower dominates this image. A centrally located peaked roof as well as several large gables dominate the roof line. A round turret may be seen at the rear of the structure.…
Constructed in 1898 of brick, grey limestone and molded terra cotta, this building is an example of the Beaux Arts architectural style. A 190 foot tower topped with a partially obscured statue of Lady Justice rises from the roof. Winged figures…
A square, five story brick building with a flat roof dominates this image. This structure was built as an expansion project to the existing Y.M.C.A. facilities, and would house the Y.M.C.A. for 55 years. When the Y.M.C.A. moved in the early…
A tall, wooden scaffold has been erected at the corner of a brick foundation which has been laid next to the existing Y.M.C.A. building, which is partially visible in this image. A low, wooden construction building stands near the foundation. Piles…
Built in 1857 at a cost of $20,000, this house was the home of Henry L. Stout. In 1984, an auditorium was built, and the home was donated to the Y.M.C.A. A sign reading “Y.M.C.A.” hangs from the second story of the smaller building in the image.…
Named the Greystone and constructed in 1888 by the noted wagon maker A.A. Cooper, this substantial residence was located on the corner of 5th and Bluff Streets in Dubuque, Iowa. The image shows a building which was three stories tall. Numerous small,…
This image was taken looking across Main Street at St. Luke’s Methodist Episcopal Church on the corner of Main and 12th Streets, in Dubuque, Iowa. This substantial building was constructed of native limestone. The front entrance, steep steps…