Loras Digital Collections

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A woman is seated at a double desk, facing the camera. A vase of flowers, several stamps, and an embossing tool are on the desk. A wool carpet in a geometric pattern covers the floor; a small chandelier hangs over the desk. Behind her are two doors.…

Mr. Hayes is sitting at his cluttered roll-top desk reading a letter. Hanging on the wall next to his desk is a calendar for May, 1912 with an advertisement for his business “Jas A. Hayes Insurance and Real Estate, Fire, Life, Accident, Health,…

Dr. Meshinger is standing in his office. He is wearing a white lab coat over his white shirt. His name may be seen painted on the glass of one of the windows at the rear of the room. A dental chair has been placed at the rear of the room, close to…

A male patient is seated in a reclining dental chair near a window. The dentist and a female assistant are standing on either side of the patient. A dental drill, on the end of a cable and pulley, hangs from the ceiling. A retractable electric light…

A man holding several papers is standing behind a long counter near a door with the number “414” and "The Credit Guide Co." painted on the glass. He is looking at a woman who is seated at a roll-top desk. An open ledger or record book and a…

An attorney, wearing wire-rimmed glasses and dressed in a suit and bow tie, is reading at a desk in his law office. Legal books and documents, an ink bottle and an eraser are on the top of the desk. A metal box filled with other documents, wrapped in…

This large office appears to be located on an upper floor. A long wooden counter runs along the right side of the room. Stacks of forms and envelopes and also two embossing tools are on top of the counter. A map of the eastern portion of Dubuque…

Two employees, a man dressed in a grey suit and a woman dressed in a long dark skirt and high-necked white blouse, are posing next to four displays of wallpaper in floral, leaf, and vine patterns. Behind the employees may be seen a large rack full of…

Large sample books of wallpaper, open to flower designs, are displayed on racks at the front of a long, narrow room. Two men are standing among the display racks. Behind them is a woman standing in a glass-enclosed work area. Near her is a sign that…

Two men are standing behind counters in a tobacco store. The older man is dressed in a suit, while the younger man is wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Various brands of cigars, including “Prime Minister,”…
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