Loras Digital Collections

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A woman at left stands behind a display case and a second woman stands behind the counter at right in Boldt’s Incorporated, 872 Main Street. Pastries and cakes are set out in and on top of the glass display cases. Loaves of bread are stacked in a…

Three bakers pose in the basement workroom of Boldt’s Incorporated at 872 Main Street. A June, 1912 calendar hangs on the wall at right. The number “106” has been written on the emulsion side of the negative and is visible in the upper right…

The photograph was taken from one end of a long, wooden counter with stools for customers on one side. Two waitresses and one waiter stand behind the counter. Another waiter stands behind a table at right. A man, a woman and a child pose in the…

Two men, Ed Majerus at left and possibly John O’Rourke at right, stand in the Majerus Grocery Store at 475 Clay Street. These products are visible in the store: a crate full of heads of lettuce or cabbage, Jell-O gelatin, Welch’s Grape Juice,…

A butcher is standing behind the counter and is writing in a notebook. On the counter are several cuts of meat and a large scale that is labeled, “The Computing Scale Co.—Dayton, Ohio, USA.” Sausages and various cuts of meat hang on hooks on…

Seven men are working on mattresses at the Dubuque Mattress Factory, 63-77 West Main Street. Five mattresses are lined up on individual tables at left and rolls of dense batting and more mattresses are stacked at right. The number “64” has been…

This photograph shows four women sewing substantial pieces of heavy fabric on industrial sewing machines equipped with large spools of white thread. Piles of canvas are haphazardly scattered on racks and on the wooden floor of the spartan warehouse…

This photograph is of two men sitting at desks in an office. The walls and ceiling are covered with narrow, horizontal and vertical paneling that is finished in a dark stain. Many photographs and calendars are hung on the walls. June 1912 calendars…

Wallace Row has been identified as a time keeper with the Illinois Central Rail Road. He is standing at the right in the photograph. He is using a typewriter-like machine, perhaps an adding machine, that types onto a narrow roll of paper. Behind and…

The photograph was taken looking across a wooden railing into a two-desk office space. A doorway separates the desks. A barrister's bookcase that appears to contain stacks of forms or cards stands along the wall next to the nearer desk while a large…
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